
Sean Cummins | Alex Hidalgo | Luke Oxley | Kay Walsh

drain, Cell Project Space
Curated by Sean Cummins

'The Naked City' (Jules Dassin, 1948, US), is a film noir made entirely on location in the streets of a city as opposed to using backdrops or built sets. At the time the mundane and ordinary nature of the scenes made them look unusual, the filming made the familiar unfamiliar. Cummins, Hidalgo, Oxley and Walsh use ranging media to articulate the city. The artists in drain directly reframe notions of exchange within the everyday. The diverse nature of this exchange occurs within the psycho-geographical landscape of the city. The works revolve around the double take. As narratives loop, the audience is left to question their initial assumptions. 

Alex Hidalgo, Drain, 2001
Alex Hidalgo, Drain, 2001