Dani Jakob

Artist Dani Jakob's work evokes a multitude of styles and cultural references including German Romanticism, esotericism, Hip-Hop, Heavy Metal and Far-Eastern as well as Western genres of cultural history. The ironic, forthright mixture of signs and symbols fragments the viewer's perspective into a myriad of meaningful possibilities, further emphasized by the unusual choice of material.
Recent exhibitions include: Statements, with Vilma Gold, Art Basel (2007), L'homme nu, Sorcha Dallas, Glasgow (2007), Halfway to Heaven, Vilma Gold, London (2006), 4th Berlin Biennale (2006), Paradise opens now, Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg, Germany (2005), Les sept doigts de la main, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel (2004), Her Kind, The Approach, London (2004), Entrer dans la lumière, Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe, Germany (2003), Dani Jakob lives and works in Berlin.