Alistair Frost

British artist Alistair Frost uses imagery derived from generic ‘ClipArt’, and symbols such as the hashtag which are representative markers of our contemporary culture, to question its potential and consumption. Frost lives and works in London and will have his first solo exhibition at Bolte Lang, Zurich in March –May 2013. Solo Exhibitions in 2012 include ‘Out of Office Auto Reply’, Christian Andersen, Copenhagen and ‘Image coming soon’, Mary Mary, Glasgow with selected solo exhibitions including ‘Schhh. Hieroglyphics’, HOTEL, London, 2011 and ‘Airplane Mode’, Zach Feuer Gallery, New York, 2011. Selected group exhibitions include ‘DOVBLE TROVBLE’, Center for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, 2012, ‘2-3D Abstract’, Bodson-Emelinckx Gallery, Brussels, 2011, ‘Studio Voltaire presents, BolteLang’, Zurich, Studio Voltaire 2011, ‘Feint Art’, Kunstverein Freiburg, Marienbad, Freiburg, 2010, ‘Europaisch-Amerikanische Freundschaft: Ida Ekblad’, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York, 2009, and ‘London, Signs and Messages from Modern Life’, Kate MacGarry, London, 2007.